How to uninstall a velux blackout blind


(A Velux blind is a brand of skylight/roof-window in the UK that's apparently quite popular).

We have a couple of velux windows with blinds attached. We'd like to swap them for the black-out blind variety, but having ordered the new ones, are at a bit of a loss for how to uninstall the current ones.

How to best do this? Couldn't find any information on velux's site.

Best Answer

Adding an update to Peter Mounce's answer from:

The Mr McDonald method at the end worked for me in a couple of seconds, and doesn't have the crazy screwdriver involvement. The quote is:

spoke with a very helpful chap at Velux (UK) and removed the blind quite easily. Method was this: 1) With the blind retracted fully, grasp the casing firmly at each end with your fingers at the back (between casing and glass) and thumbs on the front. 2) Now twist/rotate the case up and out (as if twisting case toward top of window frame) and listen for the ‘click’ of the catches releasing both sides. 3) When both catches released – blind should slide forward and out! Tried it and it worked a treat! Obviously no guarantee but was reassured by Velux that if the clips should break on attempting removal that they can supply a new set of brackets for re-installation.