How to use the 2015 IRC Chapter 24, G2407.6.2 to determine combustion air


The 2015 International Residential Code (IRC), Chapter 24 ("Fuel Gas"), Section G2407.6.2 allows for one permanent opening to be used to supply outdoor combustion air into a mechanical room for gas appliances. How is the area of opening calculated for a gas furnace and gas water heater with a total input of 140,000 Btu/h?

How do you check that the calculated area is "not less than the sum of the areas of all vent connectors in the space"?

Best Answer

2407.6.2 requires the opening to have a minimum free area of 1 in.2 per 3,000 Btu/h of total input.

140,000 Btu/h / 3,000 Btu/h = 46.667 in.²

It also says that the opening cannot be "less than the sum of the areas of all vent connectors in the space."

For example, If you had a water heater with a 3" round exhaust duct, and a furnace with a 5" round exhaust duct. The opening would have to be at least 26.704 in.².

A = πr²
A = π * 1.5²
A = π * 2.25
A = 7.069 in.²

A = π * 2.5²
A = π * 6.25
A = 19.635 in.²

Total Area = 7.069 in.² + 19.635 in.²
Total Area = 26.704 in.²

Section G2403 (202) General Definitions

Connector, Chimney or Vent. The pipe that connects an appliance to a chimney or vent.

It also says that the "minimum dimension of air openings shall not be less than 3 inches". So the opening for your installation would have to be one of the following sizes.


  • 3" x 16"
  • 4" x 12"
  • 5" x 10"
  • 6" x 8"


  • 7" x 7"


  • 8"