How to we measure the air quality index of our room


My house is situated near a construction site and dust, particulates, etc gather in really quickly. My room is currently set up such that there are two different air filters running continuously around-the-clock.

The Air Quality Index is a number which indicates how healthy or unhealthy the air is. For example, 0 – 50 is considered pretty good, whereas 151 – 200 is considered unhealthy, and 301 – 500 is considered hazardous.

Is there a way for us to measure the Air Quality Index of our room?

Best Answer

Depending on you local codes and the type of work being done, the construction contractor might be required to monitor her project's environmental impact.
As already stated, testing equipment can be expensive to purchase for private use, but Code Enforcement or the contractor might be able to help you out with a loaner of some type, or even perform an IAC test for you. Great question. Please let us know how it turns out.