How to wear eye protection if you already wear glasses


I wear glasses with relatively large frames (due to the shape of my face, smaller frames don't really work). I'm nearsighted and can't see without them. Unfortunately many safety goggles don't fit at all on top of my glasses, and the few that do are still offset too much from my face and allow debris to come in easily from the bottom.

Is there a better solution for eye protection, if you already have to wear glasses?

  • Pretending that my prescription glasses are eye protection won't work. See slide 8 in this presentation.
  • Most safety glasses that do fit over glasses protect inadequate protection from debris flying up from below.
  • Contacts are probably a bad idea, because they create additional risks from chemical fumes and getting dust in your contacts is really not fun.

Best Answer

I would suggest getting prescription safety glasses. If the cost is unreasonable wear your regular glasses with a face-shield. Face-shields offer maximum protection they are however prone to fogging up in humid areas.