How to you rid your house of ‘Sick Building Syndrome’


It's a rite of passage – You and your spouse are expecting, and it's your responsibility to paint the baby's room.

But before you do so, make sure that you use only latex/low VOC paint, keep the room well-ventilated for at least a few days, and try to keep the pregnant mother away from the room while you're doing work.

Well, I did all of that. Unfortunately, my wife appears to be experiencing 'Sick Building Syndrome'.

My Question: How can I remedy this situation? Can I buy an appliance to rid the air of harmful particles? Can I hire a professional to clean the air?

Also, please bear in mind, I'm not experiencing any discomfort myself. My wife however, has a dry cough, some asthma symptoms, and a burning sensation in her eyes.

Best Answer

Sorry there is no such thing as 'Sick Building Syndrome', it is just a lazy way to label a problem that is not understood.

So you first need to find out in detail what is causing the problem.

Given that your wife is expecting, it may have nothing to do with the building at all…..

A doctor may be able to do tests and give you a list of the things she is sensitive to, so you have somewhere to start – it could just be something as simple as dust you liberated while clearing the room to paint it and nothing to do with the paint.