How/where can I find out what the frost-line is for the area


Aptos, CA, United States

What service or documentation resource can I use to determine what the frost-line is for my area? I'd be inclined to ask the county building/planning office but I suspect that they'll want to charge for answering a seemingly simple (and hopefully well documented) question.

Best Answer

In general you can use these guidelines.

enter image description here

enter image description here

These are very good guidelines that are widely recognized. However if getting inspected I would just ask your building department for their code requirements.

**NOTE***** This is how deep your footings would be in undisturbed soil. So for example if there was a regrading of the land - as often the case in new builds - you would have to go this deep past the disturbed soil or consult an engineer that would sign off on something else. So if they regraded your land to 3 feet and you lived in Arkansas you would need to go to 54 inches or gets clearance from an engineer to put the footings shallower.