How would i check if the receiver blows speakers


I picked up a Yamaha htr-3064 from good will for $14.99. Seamed like quite the steal. Back of the unit says it can take 6 or 8ohms speakers. I had also picked up a pair of Tandy Realistic tower speakers, said 8ohms max. Looked good, mesh was intact and cones were clean. So i hooked them up to the bannana plugs and i had no sound, no crackle or pop. After the fact i opened the speakers up and 1 had noticable charing on a wire going to the cone and no continuity. I then hooked my multimeter to the outputs on the receiver and could hear the music theme from my Playstation. The volume is at -33.5 to hear the start of the beat and around -29 for vocals and other instruments. With distortion and buzzing of the multimeter of course.

If i hear music from my multimeter would that mean my reciever is fine?

What would be the proper way to test that the reciever is not the one to blame?

Best Answer

Generic advice: test the speakers on a known functional system. Test the receiver with speakers known to be functional.

My suspicion is that the speakers are toast.