How would you add baseboard trim to an angled wall


We have a set of stairs that lead to our basement. I've made the space underneath in to a small closet. It's been enclosed with drywall. The floor is a continuation of tile from the laundry room. I am in the process of adding baseboard trim but the back wall is angled.

Here's a side view:
Closet Side View

I'm not sure what to do about the area circled in red, because it it angled right down to the floor. How would that area be trimmed out?

One possibility I am considering is running the trim board vertical like this:

Trim Possibility

But I am unsure if this would work.


Both answers below are good. I am going to use a combination of both and build a small backstop (create some dead space) and then run the trim vertically.

Best Answer

I'd get a 2 x 4, trim it to fit the length and height of your trim piece and screw it in. enter image description here

The horizontal lines are the piece of trim that will run along the outside of the staircase.