How you measure the slope with a 48 inch digital measure


Yes, I looked at the question:

How do you determine the slope of a floor?

I'm trying to measure the slope of the bedroom. I know that the bedroom is sloped, but I am hard time finding out by how much. So I got one of these:

Only in 6 different places on the floor(which are in horizontal straight line), when I place the Box level vertically, it shows me a slope of 1/8 / ft in the digital box. I don't know what this means, can someone please explain how to measure the slope of the floor?

Someone below asked me what is unclear in the 1/8th per foot. I'm trying to gauge how do I extrapolate it to 8ft. But I'm unable to, since the slope is zero if I move my measure in a straight line.

Best Answer

If it's a cruddy level it may be different when reversed. I have one level that is off by about 1/8 over it's length this way. E.g. if it's level one way, reversing it takes a 1/8" rise on one end to fix. I use this one or rough work, and for drawing lines on plywood.

Ok the level works. You need a longer level. Go buy the longest straight 2x4 or 2x6 you can that will fit in the room. Look down the length of it, or better, run a tight string down it to see that it's straight. Piggy back your level on this.

A far easier way however is to get a self leveling laser level.Set it up so that it's exactly X inches above the floor at some point. Now with a tape you can run around and map out your floor. Mine has a couple of gratings that can be put in the path. One spreads the beam into about a 45" wide beam. Set up in one corner and do most of the floor with 2 moves. (The other makes it spread vertically giving you a perfect plumb line.