I removed the bathroom vanity and found some pipes. What might they be


We are doing a bathroom remodel, and I removed the vanity and found some pipes I did not expect to find. This is a second story bathroom, and the wall pictured is an exterior wall.

The pipes are nowhere near the downstairs kitchen or bathroom, nor are they near the laundry room. Above the bathroom is the attic. Directly below it is our living room, which does have a gas fireplace (although I believe it vents elsewhere).

The vanity has a normal looking drain connection just above the photo. Not pictured. Perhaps that's what one of these are for?

Anyone have any idea what the heck these are? Or how I'd put a new vanity in on top of these?

Unknown pipes

Best Answer

Drain and dry vent, most likely. Rip some drywall you won't have to do a fussy repair job on because it will be hidden behind the new vanity if you are overly curious and want more info.

You'd put a vanity on them the same way the vanity you took off them was - they are running in the "toe kick space" between the floor of the cabinet and the floor of the room.