Install a new tub that has cracks


first question here. We're having a bathroom remodeled. The first tub that was delivered had a huge crack in it, so we asked for a replacement. The second one took 2 weeks to arrive. It has two tiny cracks in the corner. One appears to be (shoddily) covered over by plaster.

We're ready to send this back and ask for another replacement, knowing fully well that this will delay our project further. Is there any universe in which we'd actually install this instead? What would the risks of doing so be?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The key questions are:

  1. Is it warranted? For how long? Are you willing to accept liability for failure after that period (or after the company closes its doors)?

  2. Does the warranty cover replacement expenses? I'd wager no. The problem there is apparent.

Don't do it unless you have no practical alternative or are compensated for potential costs in advance.