Installing a horizontal fence over the existing vertical fence


I am interested in sprucing up my backyard fence without completely putting in a new fence. I would like to use horizontal wood planks and attach them to my existing vertical fencing? Is this possible and what materials should I use to best achieve this goal?

Best Answer

I would need to know more about the existing condition of your fence. If you could send me a picture that would be great. I would definitely recommend that your existing fence be in very good shape if you were going to add on to it. If it were old and rickety it wouldn't do you a whole lot of good to put new materials on top of it that's for sure. There's a lot of things to consider. Are you a fasteners I.e. your nails or screws coming loose on your fence? Is the wood rotted or warped? All that stuff makes a big difference in what you are asking. Another thing that is very important is your 4x4 post that are in the ground if they are loose I certainly would not add more weight to the fence. I would hope they were set in concrete from the beginning If they weren't I wouldn't even consider doing this.