Insulating an exterior rowhouse wall with windows


New owners of a row home going through it one room at a time… We decided to tackle the master/front facing bedroom first. It has wood paneling (70/80ish) and I am pretty sure the walls behind are plaster on brick on the exterior wall. thinking to either do foam panels or put up studs and batting – then drywall on top of either one. This is what I am looking to do on the exterior/façade wall, but I am concerned about the two window…. Since I am adding a few inches to the wall the windows will be a few inches deeper. Do I need to reinstall the windows within a deeper frame?

Best Answer

I have done a similar project. Generally, when the wall thickness is greater than the window frame, you install boards as a box to "thicken" the install. That is, you don't have to touch the window proper, but replace the case. It's a bit easier to visualize after you've done your demo.

The quick and dirty solution in an image: enter image description here

  • You'll want 2x framing on all 4 sides.
  • Width of the 1x material should be flush-ish with the drywall to be installed later.
  • Be very careful with the drilling!.
  • The last step before painting and caulking will be to install mitred moulding to cover the exposed edge of the box and the drywall gap.
    • The final step will be to put an attractive potted plant or cat on the sill.