Interior of dryer is scratching clothes


Several of my nice dry fit shirts have come out of the dryer with snags on them recently. Upon inspection, there are many sharp edges on the inside of my dryer. I think what happened was that a pocketknife recently was in my pants during a dryer cycle and it caused all kinds of dings and scratches to the inside of my dryer, which makes total sense.

So the question is how do I fix this? The drum/inner tub is all scratched up, on the back and probably the front door as well. But otherwise the dryer works perfectly well. I would prefer to not have to purchase a new dryer but I also cannot keep putting my clothes through torture and at least partially ruining several of them just to get them dry. Please help!!!


Best Answer

Depending on how damaged the inside is, I would just use sandpaper to smooth the rough spots. If you find very bad nick, you could file it first and then hit it with sand paper.