Is insulation around a dryer vent hose safe


I live in an old apartment which does not have laundry, or even laundry hookups. Since I despise laundromats, I took it upon myself to get a portable washer which connects to a sink, and a portable dryer. Now that summer is here, the dryer really needs to be vented outdoors. I found a bracket that lets me vent it through a window opening, which seems to work well.

This is the vent I'm using:

The only issue is that there is some more cold air coming though the gap because there is only a single pane of glass insulating me from the elements now. I decided to get some R-30 fiberglass insulation and stuff it in the gap where the bracket is, between the two window panes. It seems to be doing a decent job. My only question is, is this a safety hazard? I know venting a dryer through a window is not to code, but that is besides the point. I understand that fiberglass insulation is not flammable, correct? Do I have anything to worry about?


Best Answer

Do I have anything to worry about?

No. The air coming out of the dryer vent is not hot enough to ignite anything.

Otherwise they would require a double walled vent pipe.

Try putting your hand on the pipe while it is running. You will see it doesn't really get very hot.

Good luck!