Is it okay to have AC/Furnace intake suck air from wall cavities


The house we bought almost 2 years ago has 2 intake air registers for the furnace and AC (not one for each, but both feed both the units). There is a big 20×20 intake downstairs and a smaller 12×20 intake upstairs. The 20×20 pokes out the bottom of the main trunk and looks pretty standard, but the smaller 12×20 upstairs is really weird.

The upstairs register doesn't directly go to the main trunk. Instead it feeds air into an interior wall cavity which is connected to the main trunk via 2-3' of horizontal ducting. If this cavity was sealed so that it made a sort-of sideways J to draw air into the trunk from upstairs I wouldn't have any problem. But it is not so. First off the square cavity was littered with construction debris and dust (which I just now vacuumed out). Second, it is not sealed, so it can draw unfiltered air from all the interior walls.

How normal is this setup? I'm guessing someone just made a mistake and something got left undone, but I'm having trouble figuring out how the previous owners changed this filter year after year without being bothered to at least clean out the cavity. I'm thinking I need to get my whole system cleaned and sealed since drawing all this unfiltered air could very well be making us sick.


I found my camera so here are some pics:

Register from upstairs hallway:
AC register

Electrical runs penetrate cavity without seal:
Electrical Run

Stud gaps are not sealed in upper portion of cavity:
Upper cavity

Lower part of cavity appears to have been sealed:
Lower Cavity

The runs to the main trunk that I am on top of appear to be sealed as well:

All those clean marks on the ducting is where I stuck the vacuum cleaner.

Best Answer

I don't think it's illegal if done right. The problem is that it seems to have been done wrong. If you have construction debris in the intake that's lazy and sloppy at best. Eventually some of that junk is going to end up in your AC unit with predictably bad results. Let's hope your filter is a good one.

I have seen (shudder) old houses where the intake went along cavities but the builder or owner had neglected to ensure that every last hold along the joist run had been sealed. In the next cavity over was fiberglass insulation. You don't want to be breathing that stuff.