Is it safe to store paint in a furnace room


I currently store my paint cans, mostly latex but a few oil-based stains, in my furnace room.

I'm not certain if latex paints are dangerous to keep near flame sources, but I'm fairly certain that oil-based products are.

However, I'm unsure as to where else I can store them. My alternate locations are my garage or attic, but both are unheated and the northern Ohio winters will almost certainly freeze the paint.

Where can I safely store paint? Are latex based products safe to store in a furnace room?

Best Answer

If your paints will be in close proximity of the furnace I wouldn't do that. If they are in the same room and the room has ventilation but away from furnace I would go there.

I wouldn't store anything like this in the attic for sure. Unless your attic is somewhat finished and you go up there all the time I wouldn't. You don't want cans spilling or issues in a place that could affect house and really in a place that you don't keep track of. That is why I would throw them on shelves in the garage if the attic doesn't work. If your garage is attached for the most part you shouldn't have many days in there below freezing and almost none that go below the paints freeze point.