Is it useful to paint outdoor conduit white to reduce the temperature


The typical color of most types of electrical conduit is dark gray.

I plan to run some kind of conduit along the edge of a flat roof to install security cameras, and I'm already worried about the heat radiating from the black roof not being good for the cables.

Will painting the conduit white help it absorb less heat from the sunlight directly in the conduit itself? Even if it is less heat, will it be enough to make a difference? Or am I worrying about nothing and it will be fine?

Best Answer

Elevating the conduit 7/8” or more off the roof surface will be more effective than painting but yes white is the least heat absorbing color. Why 7/8” elevation? That is what code requires or a temperature adder is used when derating the wire; with 7/8” elevation, the adder is not required. This is located in section 310.15(A)(3)(c), "Raceways and Cables Exposed to Sunlight on Rooftops".