Is the kitchen cabinet door beyond repair


My cabinet door became damaged as my sister put all her weight on it to pull herself up 🙂

Repairing the door is very tricky as these cabinet doors are on the kitchen island and the particle board panels they attach to are very thin (only 6/8 of an inch thick) and in addition, any repair on the outside part will ruin the look of the island. The hinges on the door side are in good order, and the paneling that needs repair is the one on the island piece.

Our handy man attempted a repair putting epoxy glue or something like that and this lasted only a year and has fallen apart once more (pictures show the white glue-like substance attached to the paneling and the hinges).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Would the technique of toothpicks and carpenter glue work on cabinetry that isn't real wood but particle board?

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Best Answer

Plan A) I'd try to remove the glue, fill the holes†, let it set and then re-drill the holes

Plan B) Use repair plates designed for this job Example

Plan C) If all fails I'd spend $10 on one of these, put it in my old electric drill's chuck and relocate the hinges.

enter image description here

† Using maybe something like an "Interior Wood Filler that holds screws and nails".