Is the vermiculite found in the popcorn ceiling toxic? Can I remove it theself


I'm planning to remove a "popcorn" ceiling and submitted a ceiling sample to the labs for asbestos testing. Here are the results:

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It looks to me like the labs didn't detect any asbestos but I'm not sure what exactly Vermiculite is and if it's safe to remove myself. Any thoughts? Are there any special removal instructions for Vermiculite?

Best Answer

Vermiculite on its own poses no health risk, and can be removed without concern. However, in many cases, mined vermiculite can contain traces of Asbestos, and so its removal is not recommended without an asbestos test. I would, as Scott suggests, call the testing company, and make sure that since no asbestos fibers were found, this indicates that the vermiculite used was asbestos free. If that is the case, you are good to go (that being said- wear a mask when you strip the popcorn ceilings, or you'll be coughing and hacking a lot- that dust is nasty).