Is this an acceptable way to fix garage roof condensation


I'm in the UK.

My garage has a corrugated metal roof with no insulation. In the winter, when it rains the underside of the roof drips. Not massively, but just enough to be annoying.

The roof appears to be in good condition and not old, so suspect this is condensation. Although I can't rule out a small leak.

As I do not have strong DIY skills I have been looking for a solution which is within my means. I have settled on staple-gunning sheets of aluminium bubble insulation membrane into the beams, spanning the distance between two beams, as close as possible to the underside of the roof.

aluminium bubble insulation membrane
aluminium bubble insulation membrane

  • Is this a reasonable solution or will it cause more problems?
  • I'm concerned that covering the whole roof tightly will trap damp above the bubble-wrap, causing mould on the beams.
    Or if I leave gaps for air to circulate above the insulation then that defeats the point.

Best Answer

That material looks very similar to what I used to cure a condensation problem with my air ducts. I live in a humid area and the attic is not insulated from the outside. So using the a/c would cause condensation to form on the ductwork and drip on the drywall below. Your situation sounds similar. If you line the metal roof with that material, it should reduce the amount of moist, inside air coming into contact with the cold roofing (where it sounds like it is condensing).

I'm not sure how easy it'll be to apply a flexible material like that to the underside of a corrugated roof, however. You might want to look for a hard foam instead. As for the mold concern, if you seal all the edges of the insulation with tape (use the silver metallic kind used for HVAC), that should prevent air exchange. The temperature between the underside of the roof and the roof-side of the insulation will be less extreme than the inside of the garage or the exterior of the roof and less likely to produce condensation. That said, it might still be a good idea to inspect it occassional. And all of this is assuming that you really do have a condensation problem and not just a leaky roof. - Good luck.