Is this asbestos plaster


I live in a 1970s apartment block in Melbourne, Australia. It’s been fully renovated since then (I’d say around 15-20 years ago), but I know not all asbestos products were removed – we still have old asbestos fire doors, for example. I found this plaster peeling away around one of the downlights, and the hairy fibers in it scared me. What do you think the chances are that it is asbestos?!

enter image description here


Best Answer

As mentioned in the comments, a test is the only way to be absolutely sure. This site has some good information (though it is US-focused):

This looks to be perhaps the most relevant to answering your question:

Usually asbestos was only added to walls that were fire rated, such as elevator shaft walls and the walls in commercial buildings. Most houses don’t have asbestos plaster in them. To ensure everyone’s safety, if you know a wall is fire rated and was built before 1990, you should assume that it contains asbestos and get a sample of the plaster tested immediately.

But, note it starts with "usually". The site also has a list of known products that contained asbestos, if you have construction history from the landlord.

Also of particular note:

Asbestos plaster is most dangerous when it is damaged. Damaged asbestos plaster is known as “friable asbestos”, which means the material can easily break and crumble, releasing asbestos fibers into the atmosphere.