Is using epoxy this way on a kitchen sink installation/repair acceptable


I had a new quartz countertop installed, and everything looked very nice. But one day washing the sink I saw that some water was getting between the sink and counter top. I thought, no problem, I'll just get some silicone. But in the process I saw that one corner of the sink had this fiberglass "junction" (my guess is that the screw hole got ripped out and instead of fixing that they just glued the corner using fiberglass). This is a new job, and it has a year warranty, and everything seems to be holding fine (I had actually filled up the whole sink with water while I was doing dishes and it seemed to hold up?). But it seems kinda like a botched job. Is this an acceptable repair/installation? Or should I try to request a more "clean" repair/installation?

Edit: added the "normal" fastener on one of the other corners (this is looking at the bottom just in case that isn't clear)
enter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

Considering you are having a problem and this unit was installed professionally and has a warranty on it. Call them back out to fix the thing right . If it had screws to retain it and one broke off on installation and now they need to fix it - too bad for them - they should fix it - why should you have to live with a problem or potential problems - you probably worked hard for your money - depends on how much you value what you paid for.

What I am guessing (from my experience) is that there was a mounting screw attached to the sink that held it in place and the screw popped off the sink itself - of course there could have been a metal piece attached to the quartz as well usually with an epoxy.

What does the other mount side look like a picture of that would make it easier for people to know exactly what you are talking about. There should be at least 2 mounts if not 4.

I would call them back and say hey I have a problem and I thought to go fix it myself but this is what I found .. I want the thing fixed and fixed right. Where fixed right means you should not have a problem with it - especially with in one year!

EDIT 11/15/2017 Using your posted picture I wanted to outline something I noticed .. notice the ring outline near the repair - in your second photo with a correct mount shown you can see the metal ring - in the first photo you posted you see an outline where something was but it is gone - I am thinking the fish docks are wafting some air - smells fishy to me.

Underside repaired mount