Killing Cockroaches Safely


I am renting an Airbnb in South America. To kill cockroaches, the owner put a fine layer of white powder (from internet searches, I believe this is either borax or diatomaceous earth) on the floor yesterday morning. It is hot, so I always run a fan on high (over my bed) which probably kicks up some of that powder.

I woke up this morning with a dry mouth, throat, and nose, so am concluding that this is due to my breathing in the powder. When I blew my nose, I could even see dried blood. There seems to be a chalky taste in my mouth too, but that might be psychological.

By the way, I have seen maybe 10 dead cockroaches, so I know the powder is working.

From a quick blow test, this powder did not lift up from the ground easily (I think baby powder lifts much more easily), so maybe I did not breathe in very much. The white particulate's size and weight might be enough to keep it on the ground.

Is it generally considered bad to use a fan in a room with this powder treatment?

I am thinking to switch off the fan, let any dust settle for an hour, and then mop my entire floor before sleeping tonight.

In hindsight, I think I should have refused this treatment though I wasn't really given the option. If anyone has medical studies or anecdotes about the health effects in my case, can you please reference them? I'm trying to stay neutral, but if it's well-known that this is hazardous, I want to let the owner know.

Best Answer

Borax and DE are a low coast and easy way to eradicate insects. They both are a less toxic form of killing bugs. DE is the remains from a prehistoric sea mollusk (the shell I believe) while Borax is a natural occurring mineral.

Borax should not be applied where it can get accidentally inhaled or absorbed by humans and non-target animals. Although it is less toxic than other insecticides it is not inert and can have harmful effects if ingested.

DE while having no toxic ingredients also cause problems due to it's shape. The fine powdery dust that is DE has extremely sharp ,albeit minuscule, edges. If enough is inhaled it can cause possible lung problems.

To haphazardly spread either of these substances while considering them safe, is both reckless and unsafe. If you'd rather not tempt fate and sleep easy purchase a trap-like product (like "Roach Motel" etc.). These products either use a lure phernome that entices the specific bug to enter the enclosed trap where upon it gets stuck on the sticky floor or a chemical bait that it ingest's and dies. This is the safest way to ensure you and pets are safe and insects are eradicated quickly.