Kitchens – Do there exist smoke detectors with detached silencers


I'm looking to replace a smoke detector for my kitchen, and I was wondering whether anyone had designed a smoke detector with a remote silence feature. The traditional method of keeping a stool or a broomstick around to silence the smoke detector whenever you're cooking bacon seems pretty terrible to me, and ideal would be to have some sort of wired switch that could be mounted at shoulder height that would allow a temporary silencing of the alarm.

So far I've seen that mounting it at least 10 feet away from appliances and using a photoelectric sensor instead of an ionization sensor helps, but it would still be very nice to have some way of dealing with false alarms that doesn't involve trying to press a button twelve feet above the ground.

Best Answer

This is really close to a shopping question which is off topic. But, the term you need to look for is smart smoke detector. These are internet capable devices and some of them can be managed as an IoT device.