Kitchens – How to clean settled grease from kitchen cabinets


I like to fry a lot (I am not fat though :)) so there is quite a lot of grease and oil fume buildup on my kitchen cabinets. I tried spraying and wiping, to no avail. Any idea how I can clean settled grease and oil fumes from my cabinets effectively?

Best Answer

A standard treatment for kitchen surfaces is to wipe it with a solution of TSP, an acronym for trisodium phosphate See It forms an strong alkaline (basic) solution that converts the grease to soap, making it easy to clean off. The reaction is called saponification. The same reaction takes place in drain cleaners and oven cleaners.

Be advised that the TSP will do the same thing to oils in your skin! Use rubber gloves, eye protection, and whatever other precautions you find on the package.

A "Just Remembered" Edit: TSP, and other alkaline solutions will attack aluminum surfaces!! Be warned...