Kitchens – How to fit kitchen cabinets to corners that are not 90 degrees


I'm currently designing a replacement kitchen for my house. The kitchen is U shaped so going across three walls of the house. The middle wall is not 90 degrees to the other two, it is more like 105 degrees to one wall and 75 degrees to the other. How do you usually fit kitchen cabinets to these corners? What are different ways this can be done?

Best Answer

Not all corner cabinets make up both sides of a corner. You can get a cabinet for example that is 42" long but with only a 18" door. Another standard cabinet will butt against it to form a corner. Normally a 3" spacer is used to make clearance for drawers and doors to open. You may need more on your smaller angled corner. I believe they're called blind corner cabinets. They normally leave an hard to access space but slide outs like in the picture below will help.

enter image description here