Kitchens – How to install crown molding or valance board around a cabinet


I am replacing the cabinets in my kitchen and am going to be installing some crown molding (actually a valance board and then crown molding) around the top of the cabinets, as in this picture.

cabinet valance board

The front part of the wall cabinet sticks out a fraction of an inch (about 1/4) from the side of the cabinet. It appears in this picture they just left a gap and installed the crown molding at an angle across the side of the cabinet. Is this the 'standard' way to handle the fact that the cabinet is not perfectly square/rectangle, or is there a better way to handle the fact that the front sticks out a little further then the sides?

Best Answer

If the gap bothers you that much, you have a few options.

Fill the gap

You could fill the gap with wood putty, or color matched caulk. You'll still have a gap, but it will be difficult to see.

Remove material from the molding

You could remove a bit of the material from the back of the molding, to allow it to lay flat over the lip of the cabinet. This will likely make the mitered joint between the two pieces of molding look odd, as the bottom of the pieces will not mate.

Remove material from the cabinet

You could remove a bit of the material from the cabinet, to allow the molding to lay flush with the side of the cabinet. Depending on how far out the cabinet overhangs, this might also look a bit strange.

Learn to live with it

The easiest approach, is to simply learn to ignore it. Not many folks will notice it, and after some time you probably won't either.