Kitchens – How to polish Corian countertop


I have a Corian countertop that has seen many years of wear and tear. I'd like to sand and polish it however the instructions that came with the countertop recommend Hope's Countertop Polish as the final step.

My challenge is that it appears that the Hope's products are not available for sale in Canada. I have checked with all the major home improvement stores around me and it seems that nobody has ever heard of anything for polishing Corian. Everything they have is either for granite or 'natural stone' only which I don't think will work on a Corian countertop.

Is there something else I can use to polish my countertop? Ideally something that's available in Canada would be excellent.

Best Answer

If you're really going to sand it you don't need a polishing compound to finish. I worked a deep scratch out of a small section using a quarter-sheet power sander, and then worked up through 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500 grit paper, at which point it had a mirror finish.

(Only problem is it now looks so much better than the other Corian sections, and it would take a full day to repeat the process on the whole surface area.)