Kitchens – Is this a bad tile job


We're nearing the end of our remodel and we're not happy with the backsplash. We apparently chose a hard tile to work with as there are a lot of little pieces (but sheeted 12×12). Knowing we chose a tough tile, I'm okay that many areas don't have consistent grout lines, I'm even ok with a little lippage. But the showcase area, underneath our hood, looks bad.

The GC has redone part of it a few times but they're saying that the lippage is due to uneven studs. I've done some research and it seems like it might be the thinset was laid on too thick and is shrinking in some places. Is this a normal recent with small sheeted tiles? Can it be fixed?

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Best Answer

Your instinct is correct: this is a terrible job. As Mongo says, have them redo it. Also, you will never be able to keep it clean with the super deep and rough grout lines. Im curious if this is similar quality to the rest of the job, or limited to the backsplash area? Those tiny tile are hard to use, unless the pattern is attached to webbing first. (This looks like a custom pattern)