Kitchens – Is this induction hob safe for me


I'm in the UK, I bought a new induction hob that has the label in the picture. It mentions 7kW, although I'm not sure what those 1.5kW/2kW mean then.

Is is safe for me to use in a dedicated ring circuit that has 30A fuse in it or should I get it changed for a weaker one. In case I wouldn't have to worry about drawing more then 7kW, still 7000/230=30.43A. But I also read that ring circuits should be rated for 32A.

Could I just replace the 30A fuse for a 32A?


Attached the picture of the cables and wiring

enter image description here.
enter image description here
enter image description here

EDIT2: Seems that I didn't mention the electric oven connected to the same circuit that draws 3.8A max. But I even had an electrician come have a look and he said that its very unlikely that I'd run all 4 surfaces at full power at the same time plus the oven and that the oven doesn't consume that much all the time either but it turns itself off once it reaches the target temperature. He was more concerned about an extractor fan that I had completely disregarded due to the fact that this extractor fan is a joke but it will still probably run simultaneously with the the hob so it has to be counted. And to be honest I've been using all these now for some time together and I've never used 3, let alone 4 surfaces at once (all at full power), and oven, so never had a single trip of the fuse.

Best Answer

Each of the surfaces A, B, C and D can be used at 1500W or 2000W max.

I have an induction hob and unless I am boiling water I find the max settings are rarely used as stuff can burn so quick. Conversly, if stuff is about to boil over then it can be calmed down vey quick.

As for the 7kW rating 4 * 2kW is 8kW but perhaps they don’t think it likely that you run all 4 together at max.

I guess you are in the UK as you mention ring circuits and 32A... it will probably be fine on the 30A breaker - unless you run all 4 at max...