Kitchens – Kitchen setup for US appliances in Europe/India


I am relocating to India from US and taking all the appliances along. I understand that a lot of appliances can go toast due to voltage support as India/Europe has 230v range and US appliances work at 110-120v range. For tvs i can get a separate adapter, but how will it work for kitchen where i would need multiple appliances to be plugged in.
Basically, is there a smarter way to support multiple power points at 110v range which might be located at different locations.

Best Answer

Yes, the most common solution is to sell your US appliances and buy new in India.

The difficulties and expense of getting transformers etc and making it impossible for others to connect the wrong things is not worth the time or expense. But your money your choice, I’m basing this on the decisions others have made...

And I do have a 230v to 110v transformer for 2500W that I use for certain things but not kitchen stuff.