Kitchens – Looking for a splashback pattern in kitchen using 3 or 4 different square tile colours


I'm adding some ceramic tiles to a splashback in my kitchen, I'm using square ceramic tiles. I don't want to use just one colour, and using two only really offers me a chequerboard pattern so I was thinking of adding a third or even fourth colour (the tiles are quite muted earthy colours).

I'm looking for existing templates for a 3 or 4 colour design so I can calculate how many tiles of each colour I need, but I can't find any resources to help me with this. I expect to repeat the pattern but to give you an idea I have about 8m in length of splashback and expect it to be either 3 or 4 tiles high

Best Answer

There is no right or wrong way to do it. Experiment with whatever you have on hand: dice, marbles, squares of paper, etc. Hint: even if you make mistakes, just finish it so it looks like it is supposed to be that way.

Here is a sampling of some ideas to get you started (from here).

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