Kitchens – Microwave oven is not working but display works well


I recently moved to a new place. Since moving my Bosch microwave oven (model number: HLK4555EU/01 1) stopped working.
The user interface seems to be functional but it just doesn't start. While moving it's door came out and my friends helped to put it back. Thereafter the problem remains.

Best Answer

"while moving it's door came out"

That's the key. A microwave oven is an extremely safe device as long as the door is closed when in use. It is an extremely dangerous device if it is used with the door open. In order to make absolutely certain that nobody will ever turn on a microwave oven with the door open, there are normally multiple interlocks or switches to make sure that it is closed before starting. These switches are NOT as obvious or as simple to override as, for example, the door-open-light-on switch for a refrigerator because the consequences are much more serious with a microwave oven.

A couple of likely possibilities:

  • When the door came off, some internal wiring connected to the door came out and when you put the door back on the oven the wiring was not reconnected.
  • A small hidden switch in the frame of the oven where the door closes was pulled/pushed out of place when the door came off and now when the door closes it doesn't trigger the switch correctly.

You may be able to figure this out by checking the schematic. What I do NOT recommend is trying to bypass the door switch because it only takes one accident to cause some serious damage.