Kitchens – Replacing kitchen wall tiles


If my kitchen wall tiles start some centimeters below the countertop and the base cabinets, can I replace the tiles without moving the cabinets? For example by cutting the tiles at the countertop line and replacing only from this line and up?
I know it's not the cleanest way but, given that I will never see what's behind the cabinets, does it matter?

Thank you.

Best Answer

You could do it. You'd need a small portable tile saw and would have to very carefully cut the tiles exactly flush with the countertop. This would be very hard to do because you'd have to reach to the back of the countertop to do the cutting and would need perfect control of the saw to avoid scratching the countertop. If you were that skilled, because of past experience, with the saw, you'd probably realize it's not a good idea to do this and you'd unscrew the base cabinets and move them out a bit and do the job right.