Kitchens – Storing ladder below subfloor in kitchen


enter image description hereMy kitchen height is 9 feet. To maximize storage, I am planning to have cabinets all the way upto ceiling.

To avoid lugging in a ladder all the time, I am planning to build storage under subfloor. The ladder will be accessible by having a lid in the floor.

However, once the lid is opened, the ladder should be able to rest between floor joists – once the space between the floor joist has been reinforced to support upto 300 lb.

For clarity – see attached diagram.

Does anybody have experience in such a project. The image shows what I am planning.

Best Answer

Wow, +1 for originality, but -1 for practicality.

Usually big things (like 12’ ladders) are stored outside or in a garage. Storing it indoors will create some issues: 1) creating a solid lid that doesn’t move/warp, 2) insulation around the storage space, 3) flooring that doesn’t break when trap door flexes upon opening, 4) sealing the space when you drop the milk bottle,

Btw, when you lean a 12’ ladder up on a wall, you’ll need a ceiling height of more than 9’ or it will be too much of a angle to lean properly around counters, etc.