Kitchens – this red sediment inside our sink aerator


Does anyone know what this red slime/gunk is inside our sink aerator? Besides replacing the aerators, is there anything else we should do?

The red sediment is in the aerator of the sink and one of our bathrooms (but not the other). A few weeks ago, when I was running the the bathroom sink, the water stopped, sputtered, and then turned red/brown before running clear again. When I looked at the aerator I noticed a lot of red gunk trapped there. Today, we noticed the same red gunk in the kitchen sink aerator (but we don't recall a similar issue with red/brown water here). Thanks!

sink aerator with red gunk

Best Answer

My guess is it's from some of the renovations in the building. They probably changed a sink or two and dislodged some rust from an old pipe. The rust with some pipe dope and clog up the aerators. Just clean the ones you have. This is a very common problem when changing faucets in multi-occupancy buildings.