Kitchens – What pipe should I use for a short gas line for a stove in a tight area


I am going from an electric stove to a gas stove and I need some advice on installing the gas line. I have a gas line running underneath the stove and there is plug where I can attach the gas line under the floor. I was thinking about running a flexible gas line from the T to a termination plate in the floor with a value and then an excess flow valve and from there a line to the stove.

I have run black pipe before but it will be difficult to run it from the T to the floor so I was hoping to be able to use flexible line. I was thinking csst but I only need around 3 feet and the smallest I have seen it sold in is 50 feet. Is there another option? Could the same type of line that feeds the stove from the value be used in this situation? Thanks.

Best Answer

In my other home in MA the plumber installed CSST through the floor. As far as getting a shorter length, look at HD, but even a local supply store. I cannot imagine they wont sell you a few feet, even at some jacked up price.

Don't put flex pipe through the floor, that's not allowed (anywhere) to my knowledge.