Kitchens – Where should I place electrical outlets in waterfall island


I'm remodeling my kitchen.
The existing island have a raised bar and two electrical outlets (on its the backsplash).

We are cutting down the raised wall and moving to a waterfall countertop but then, I don't know what to do with the outlets.

  1. Do we still need the two outlets or can it be reduced to one?
  2. Where should they go while still being in compliance with electrical building code?

The finished island will look exactly like this one. I added the actual dimensions to make it easier.
Based on it's size and the 6" max overhand rule (which I don't know if still exists), it looks I have a problem.

enter image description here

Best Answer

According to NEC 2020, you need 1 for the first 9 square feet and another for each 18 square feet.

92" x 39" = ~ 25 square feet. So you need at least 2.

I would put one duplex receptacle on each end. That would be better than flush mounted receptacles (big concern about spills). But you can certainly have more receptacles, and that may be a good idea. For example, 4 - one near each corner - would allow for blender or other appliances on the "work" side while leaving the "stool side" receptacles available for phone chargers.