Latex paint smudged onto fake river stone fireplace and mortar


We hired a painter and I’m regretting our choice because he has slopped paint everywhere. I believe I can get it off most of the surfaces but I’m particularly concerned about our fireplace. It is made of faux stone and the guy did not tape it off at all. There is now dark blue paint on the faux stone and mortar. It is latex. I’m hoping to find a way to remove the paint without damaging the finish. Any suggestions?enter image description here

Best Answer

  1. Use some painters tape and plastic to mask off the wall below.
  2. Carefully remove the pieces of dried latex with a razor blade (If Possible).
  3. Dip a toothbrush into rubbing alcohol and gently brush over the smudge.
  4. Wet another toothbrush and pour dish detergent directly on the bristles.
  5. Gently scrub the grout.
  6. Dip the toothbrush into clean water and rinse.
  7. Dab with a clean damp cloth.

Repeat as necessary. The paint will eventually all come out and you wont harm the grout.

  • Send that painter a bill.