Leaky windows: How to know where the leak is


Our rented apartment has double pane windows in PVC frames. They are of good quality, I think. However, during the current weather (lots of rain and heavy winds), two windows let in some water. It seems to be coming from the bottom of the frame. How do I figure out where the water is actually going through?

On the outside there are these little inlets — I guess for allowing air exchange and letting humidity out? I have actually no idea. The inlets are tiny: about 2cm x 1cm and have a little rain cover.

Could the water be getting in through this? Can a carpenter/window maker repair this?

Best Answer

I would suggest the opposite of wallyk. Instead of trying to back track the leak, which probably goes through sealed off areas, try to reproduce it. Dry it, then use a hose on different parts of the outside window, once you have identified what part of the window is admitting the water, look for any ingresses. You basically need to divide the possible areas the water could be coming entering into zones, and then test each zone separately. Once you KNOW which exterior zone is responsible, then you can look for cracks.