Lessen noise from adjacent room

noise reductionsound-deadeningsound-proofing

I have a housemate who tends to snore during the night. Since our rooms share a wall, I tend to hear it. We live in an apartment building made from concrete panels.

I'd like to do some basic soundproofing so that it doesn't bother me (at least not as much), but 1) I'm not the owner of the apartment and I can't make huge changes, and 2) I want the room to still look good after changes are made.

I don't need to soundproof the whole room, it's just this wall that bothers me. I've been thinking of putting up fabric acoustic tiles, but I'd prefer not to cover the whole wall for both cost-saving and aesthetic reasons.

What portion of the wall do the acoustic tiles need to cover to effectively reduce noise from the other room? How much space should there be between each? Where and how should I place them?

Or is there a better solution?

Best Answer

Maybe this could be approached from a different angle. If snoring is the only reason you desire sound deading then talk your housemate into purchasing a snore suppressor. Earplugs would be far cheaper and easier than creating a wall sound barrier.