Lighting – Adding a second motion sensor to an existing motion sensor light


I have installed a HeathZenith # 5412 motion sensor light. I have added a second motion sensor to that light around the corner of the building to pick up motion from that direction the second detector is a Defiant #Cd-5716.

I simply conected the white to white, black to black and red to red. I am still experiementong with the various controls to get them to work properly, but I waNt to be sure I connected correctly.

The lights have power as when they come on they flash (like a strobe), but the little red indicator light on the main light is not blinking (the one on the secondary sensor does blink).

Best Answer

I have put multiple motion sensor lights (up to 3) on the same light string on circular driveways. The black to hot white to neutral With the light neutral and the red to the light string black. When any of the motion sensors detect motion the lights come on. If multiple sensors are tripped the one with the longest time or last one tripped will keep the lights on until it times out. All the sensors need to be powered from the same circuit or it may fry the controllers, trip the breakers. The only problem I have had doing this is troubleshooting when 1 sensor fails it takes time to find the bad one. This was prior to led lighting but it should work with led rated sensors also.