Lighting – Can puck LEDs be used for recessed lighting in above bed soffit


There is currently a soffit in the bedroom that sits above the headboard of the bed.

The soffit is rather large, dropping down around 15 inches from the actual ceiling, and has three recessed lights. The lights are old, large, probably CFLs.

I'm looking to have the soffit raised so that its height goes from 15 inches to something more like 6 inches or maybe 4 inches and placing smaller recessed lights in as well.

I keep leaning towards LED pucks, but they appear to always be categorized for cabinets rather than soffits or ceiling.

For example, this item , says the thickness of the cabinet (and this is sheetrock not cabinet I'm working with) must not exceed 0.2 inches.

That seems rather thin for sheetrock, maybe not for cabinets and makes me think I'm looking for the wrong product.

What is the proper recessed lighting to use for a small soffit? Are LED pucks not intended for this?

Best Answer

Mounting form below I assume. LED puck lights that high off the ground probably won't give enough usable light. They are low light for cabinets to soften the countertop are and add a little light. You probably would still want a can light or the newer lights that are very thin and look like a can light in a way, but you cut a hole in the ceiling portion, connect your wires, then you push the light into place. It has 2 or 3 spring loaded clips that hold it in place. These are LED, come in different light colors, wattage and size. The following is an example: enter image description here