Lighting – How to rewire two separate light switches on different circuits to one


In my living room I have 2 light fixtures on opposite ends of the room (let's call it left and right; (the light switch for the left light is the one shown. The right switch is shown in the picture with the cat.) The right light is controlled by one switch on it's on circuit, the left light is controlled by a separate switch on a different circuit. Needless to say, this isn't ideal (I posted picture with one light on the other off, for clarification). If I'm turning the lights on/off I have to go to both ends of the room to do so. We have dimmers in the room and we have to dim them separately. I would like to tie both fixtures together and bring them onto the same circuit (or whatever needs to be done) so that if I turn the lights on/off on either side of the room both lights turn and or off. How can I go about doing this?enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

Shared on/off, separate dimming? Home automation (smart dimmers linked by a controller and a few simple programs) would probably be the easiest solution, and maybe the least expensive.