Lighting – How to watch out for when installing lighting in the flat


I've decided to add a layer at the ceiling and rig a bunch of spotlights there. The distance will be about 60 cm between them.

Is there anything special to consider that a noob like me might miss?

I'm thinking light color, max brightness, direction, dimmers etc. Technical stuff, nothing design'ish.

(Being a noob, I'm not doing it myself. I hired an electrician, of course. But his responsibility is limited to, sort of, making usre I won't burn the house to the ground, nothing more.)

One specific "dream" I have is installing motion detector (indoors) so when I enter the hall (getting back home or preparing to head out), the light will automagically come up and then, when I've left, turn off by itself. Is that a stupid idea? I'm worried that it's not possible to adjust the detection area so that it only snatches the outer part of the hall and not the rest of connected area (which is my kitchen).

Best Answer

If you hired a licensed electrician then he should be aware of any building codes in your area. I am trying to understand your question though. You stated "I've decided to add a layer at the ceiling and rig a bunch of spotlights there." Can you clarify this statement? The only thing that brings up a red flag is how many amps are going to be drawn by the spotlights and how many other fixtures and outlets are on the same circuit? Is it a 15-amp circuit or a 20-amp circuit?

As a rule of thumb in counting devices on a circuit you count each outlet (light or receptacle) as 1.5 amps. Now remember you only count 80% of the rating which means a 15 amp breaker should not exceed 12 amp load, a 20 amp breaker would be 16 amps.

Check out this previous post. How many Outlets can you put on a 14-2