Lighting – Increasing Range of Night Vision Cameras


Will replacing a regular fluorescent floodlight with and infrared floodlight increase the clarity/range of my night vision cameras? If not, are there other methods to increase clarity/range of my night vision cameras, without replacing said cameras?

Found the following bulb:

Says it's a "Heat Lamp," which sortof threw me. Should that qualification deter me from procuring it? Incandescent bulbs produce heat, what's the difference with infrared bulbs? Isn't that just the tinting of the light itself?

Best Answer

Night vision, the type most sold to the public, relies on some low level lighting to enhance and produce objects. Infra red light does this or any light with a red output (or any red colored lens in front of a standard bulb). The heat lamp spot bulb will allow you to view objects in a larger area(or field of view) and see them brighter, but unless your camera or scope has a lens that can focus you will not be able to see any further than what the lens is set at.

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