Lighting – Motion sensor activates for no apparent reason


I've been looking at some of the other questions about sensors, but I can't find a solution to my problem.

I have a movement sensor (PIR i presume) that turns on a light when movement is detected.
Annoyingly it turns on without reason; even when noone is in the house.
it is a dome sensor, located in the ceiling, at about 30cm from the light it turns on; I have put some black tape to obscure 50% of the sensor. it's located near 3 doors that are generally closed. There is absolutely no movement near.

what can trigger a PIR sensor aside movement?
Can I somehow fix this?

Best Answer

Power bumps can cause them to turn on also spiders. There are models that have better circuitry not to trigger for small power bumps and some have sensitivity adjustments these are the 2 nuisance issues I have found.