Lighting – problem installing a floodlight upsidedown


I need to mount a few floodlights in my backyard, but due to the downward angle and how it will be mounted, I must do it upside down. Is there a problem with that?

Some of the other floodlights will be installed facing directly down.

Those are cheap chinese 50W LED floodlights. They have a rubber gasket all around it, and seems to me water resistant at least. I'm more worried about water entering where the cable exit the case.

floodlight upsidedown

Best Answer

There isn't a problem mounting those Chinese jobs upside down -- per se. For LEDs, orientation is not a big issue; it helps if the heat sink (if any) can have good convection but that can happen in several orientations.

Of course that depends on their build quality, which can vary dramatically amongst brands/makes in that general category. In that case, shelter makes more of a difference than orientation. I am rather fond of mounting LED lights of that type inside the diffuser of old 100-175W discharge lights, where you can barely tell they're not a discharge light.