Lighting – Removing 50Hz flicker on lights


I've just moved into a new flat, and in the corridor and bathroom, we have these lights as shown in the picture, and they shine with a slight flicker (which I assume is a mains 50Hz). It's very fast, and you can only really tell if you look at the light, but it is still quite annoying. Is there anything that can be done about it, apart from taking them out? (I'm in a rented place so that's not really an option.)


Best Answer

No doubt of it, that's a fluorescent. Lights like this give fluorescents a bad name. Fluorescents are really quite good these days.

Pop the cover off, get the model number and figure out what type of bulb it takes. See if you can lay eyes on the ballast itself, to get a sense of its shape and size.

From there, go shopping for an electronic ballast for that bulb type. Look for one that will physically fit in that fixture. The shape and mounting are highly standardized. An electronic ballast will not flicker or buzz, will start instantly (or quickly if it's a rapid-start or programmed start) in all conditions including deep cold.